Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Failure. Fraud. Fuck-up. Nincompoop!

Let's not forget phony.

Our president actually said this back in June:
My greatest responsibility as President is to protect the American people.
Who you trying to fuck whiteman?

To the president's credit, he got that part right... a president's number one responsibility is safeguarding the nation and it's people... however, he didn't mention whether or not he was living up to that responsibility. When I was 15 I knew my responsibility was to cut the lawn every weekend, but that didn't stop me from attempting to dodge that bullet every chance I got.

That's the impression Bush has always left me with: a manipulative child who always has an excuse for why he didn't do his homework or why there is a basketball sized dent in his father's car... the kind of kid that picked on all the weakest kids and never had a friend who didn't serve some purpose. The kind of kid who would slap your little brother around then adorn himself with sugar and smiles when you mother walked in.

President Eddie Haskel


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