Monday, April 25, 2005

Un-American Bullshit | Frist and the Nut-Jobs Who Give Christians a Bad Name

One of the greatest lines from any Woody Allen movie is delivered by Max von Sydow in Hannah and Her Sisters when the great Nordic thespian grumbles, “if Jesus came back and saw what's going on in his name, he'd never stop throwing up.”

That line comes to mind every day when I read the news it seems.

There is not much I can add to the Frist angle: The Times and Post each have their expected take on Justice Sunday (Nuremberg Rally). And of course, blogland is awash in fantastic analysis; Josh Marshall and the good people at Kos have excellent insight (hell, just go down my blogroll for everything you want to know).

I just want to highlight two aspects of the kind of bullshit the GOP and Christian Fringe are arming themselves with.

Charles W. Fucking Colson says that Democrats and the Judiciary "are destroying the balance of power, which was a vital Christian contribution to the founding of our nation."

Say what? He’s saying that the balance of power was a Christian initiated concept?… Do I even have to write it? Bull-Fucking-Shit!

First of all, Colson is using the tried-and-true GOP trick of accusing the opposition of the very criminal rampage they themselves wield with guiltless abandon.

But what’s all this bullshit about “Christian contribution to the founding of our nation"? Fuck you, Chuck! There is no escaping the fact that the founders consulted their (Christian) faith at the genesis of our nationhood: it’s on our money, in our courts (swearing on the bible) and in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution… but even assuming that this is true (which it is not) the beauty of our country (theoretically) is that we make secular laws that span faith and socio/political philosophies… that’s the ideal, anyway… what we’ve supposedly been fighting for, dieing for, and evolving towards for more than 200 years (not there yet, but up until December 2000 that’s where we were headed). It is unambiguously clear that these soulless fiends (Cheney, Bush, Frist, DeLay, etc.) think otherwise and will stop at nothing… NOTHING!… to make their twisted schemes reality.

In addition, interspersed with all the un-American bullshit shoveled out in Louisville last night viewers were repeatedly encouraged to contact their congressional representatives, some of whom James “Savage Ogre” Dobson referred to as "six or eight very squishy Republicans"… I say everyone should contact their Senators and Congresspeople and urge them NOT to allow Frist and his pious phonies hijack the nation.


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