Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Worse than Inept... Much Worse... Biblically Worse

The President should be impeached, tarred and feathered, then dropped into an alligator infested swamp.

Bush, the shortsighted fuck that he is, diverted much-needed funds earmarked for levee engineering in New Orleans to pay for his old-west style war in Iraq!!!

Read this article from Editor and Publisher! The last paragraph is far too generous to Bush:
Local officials are now saying, the article reported, that had Washington heeded their warnings about the dire need for hurricane protection, including building up levees and repairing barrier islands, "the damage might not have been nearly as bad as it turned out to be."
Holy fuck! Is there a word that combines "chutzpah" and "colossal asswipe"? Bush is such a monumental scumbag.

UPDATED: September 1, 2005

In an interview today Bush had the unmitigated gall to say "I don't think anybody anticipated the breech of the levees." What an evil, deceptive fuck!

Think Progress has the dirt (a large list of media stories refuting not only the president's asinine statement, but also illuminating just how soaked in blood his hands are on the subject).

I really hope there is a Hell with a special corner reserved for that cocksucker.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Is that a fiddle I hear playing?

As New Orleans sinks tonight and the fate and livelihood of a million people hangs in the tangle of uprooted trees, our president is recuperating from a very taxing day spent at a lush California resort trying to explain to a baffled public the non-existent connection between Pearl Harbor, D-Day, 911 and his disastrously retarded escapade in Iraq. At least he will be well rested when he returns to DC to do absolutely fucking nothing about the devastation on the Gulf Coast (excuse me... he will be "coordinating relief efforts"... sounds like Texas speak for kicking back and jerking off while he WATCHES relief efforts on his groovy satellite uplink)

As I watched the coverage of widescale looting tonight, and read reports on how they could not fix the levees because there just aren't enough helicopters, I kept wondering... Where is the Louisiana National Guard?... oh, right, they're too busy cleaning up our mess in Iraq.

Nice job President Fuckface. Do us all a favor... stay in Crawford for another 3 1/2 years.